  • Compliq


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5 omdömen
Omdömen äldre än ett år inkluderas inte i snittomdömet.
1 omdöme
Utmärkt5 månader sedan

Mycket bra service

Jan Billberg
1 omdöme
Utmärkt6 månader sedan

Lämnade in min Arbetsstation som inte längre startade. Compliq räddade all data samt uppgraderade operativsystemet till Windows 11 till en bråkdel av vad en ny dator skulle kosta.

Bra service
1 omdöme
Utmärkt8 månader sedan

Vänligt bemötande och bra servicearbete utfört

UtmärktRedigerades 10 månader sedan

Mycket bra service och helt rimligt pris.

5 omdömen
Usel10 månader sedan

De listar sina priser utan moms och deras produkter visas som billigast men med helt fel priser. Kan prisjakt ta bort deras prislistor då de är helt felaktiga?

UtmärktRedigerades ett år sedan

Mycket bra! Räddade min dator, :-)

UtmärktRedigerades ett år sedan

Trevligt bemötande. Snabb service och ett godtagbart pris.

UtmärktRedigerades ett år sedan

Mycket trevligt bemötande, snabb och smidig experthjälp och dessutom till ett bra pris! Kan starkt rekommendera denna firma!

UtmärktRedigerades ett år sedan

Jag hade problem med en skrivare där en toner hade läckt inne i maskinen. De tog emot, rengjorde och körde tillbaka min skrivare. Bra service, bra besked till bra pris och lätta att ha att göra med.

UselRedigerades ett år sedan

LUND. I went there because my computer was not switching on anymore at the beginning of April. We are now the 12 of May and I have a working computer with a new (bent) charger. During this almost one month and a half, I had to call them a few times and even had to come in person to have the minimal information, despite them saying they will send me emails each time I called and came (I did receive one after complaining about this, saying that the problem was about the charger and that they could command one if I wanted. I said yes and didn't receive any confirmation, so I almost bought it myself... Fortunately, I went to see them again before I did anything). The information were always contradictory : once they could not find my computer, another time they told me my motherboard was dead but that they will still try something... it took one month for them to tell me it was only a problem of charger and that they could order a new one. A bit more than one week after I had it (but the new charger is also already a bit bent, unfortunately I didn't notice it in the store when they gave it to me). At least now the computer works fine (thank you for this !) I am just surprised at the long delay (almost one month and a half for a charger problem, whereas they told me at the counter that it would be done in maximum one week and that I would receive an email) and the lack of spontaneous and clear information. Maybe it was a rough time for them, I don't want to be unfair with them, especially since they did solve the problem, but I would have liked to have more explanations about these long delays and these contradictions ! I am patient so if they told me from the beginning that it would take time, I would not mind : this is only the incoherence and incomprehension that got to me. Seeing the other reviews, I guess and hope I was an exception ! EDIT : We are today the 13th of May and the problem is back, my computer is not switching on at all, even with the new (bent) charger. I only checked yesterday if it was switching on and it was, I didn't use it. Today I wanted to work and impossible to switch it on. I literally paid 600kr of service for them to order a new charger without solving the problem, even after I asked them multiple times if they were sure buying a new charger would be enough. "Yes yes yes". A scam ? EDIT 15th of May : at least they accepted to refund the new broken charger. They still earned 600kr of "service" by not repairing anything : that is talent.

Om butiken

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Fullständigt firmanamn: Compliq IT AB

Organisationsnr: 556451-0021